The Velo.AI Copilot is a significant leap forward in cycling safety, using advanced AI technology to transform the traditional bike light into a comprehensive safety device.
Devised by Carnegie Mellon roboticist and autonomous vehicle veteran Clark Haynes, Copilot harnesses autonomous vehicle technology to monitor the area behind cyclists, alerting them to traffic and other hazards outside their field of vision.
D’Eramo Design has collaborated with the Velo team through numerous phases of development and growth, adjusting our approach and methods to match the project’s evolving goals and needs.
From the early days of proof-of-concept units that relied on 3D prints and off-the-shelf components, to custom optics designs validated through high-fidelity prototyping and lab testing, our experience and agility have kept pace with Velo’s progress and growth. We will continue to work alongside the Velo team to make Copilot mass-market ready and revolutionize cycling safety.